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Harshit Singh

Contemplatin' and vibin' ✨✔️
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Harshit Singh


About me

Namaste! I am a third year undergrad at Bennett University, studying Computer Science and AI. I was born and brought up in Delhi and for 2 years I moved to Paris for my High School education(year 5 - year 6).

My academic interests are mainly in Deep Learning, Functional Programming, and Applied Math. I’m usually looking for ways to apply the stuff I learn and spin it up into something useable. I also like web development (mostly Frontend) and scripting with Python. I’m planning to dabble a bit into Economics and Entrepreneurship in the near future.

When I’m not being a nerd, I like to do some casual gaming, binge watch YouTube videos, scroll through memes, vibe to my favorite artists’ latest releases, or just hang out with text my friends. Oh, and I also play Basketball and Badminton.

Feel free to ping me for having convos about CS, life as student, Love to have a convo


I’m working on a cool project with my friend (more on it soon), completing assignments on the deadline day, exploring new domains, and doing… more

More or less I am learning and trying my hands on different things.

Contact me

For any doubts regarding website, please contact me via my Email.
Otherwise, my DMs are always open.
