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Harshit Singh

Contemplatin' and vibin' ✨✔️
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Posted: January 12, 2022 Updated: January 20, 2022

Journal.AI is a smart and simple journal wherein you could simply write your feelings and how was your day today and it will keep a track of your mental health. You could see at the monthl end summary of your feelings and mental health. It has a very easy to use layout and will soon be adding an chatbot which could talk to you.This project was build in collaboration in McHacks2022.


Posted: Febuary 1, 2022 Updated: Febuary 3, 2022

CarnieMeetup is an all in one website to keep a track of all your upcoming events and meetups in Carnegie Mellon Univeristy. It comprises of all departmenets of CMU from Computer science to arts and literature. Just login once and register for your events and get notified via email. This project was built in collaboration in TartanHacks 2022.



Posted: September 15, 2020 Updated: March 13, 2021

I took part in a hackathon organized by MLH in which we chose the Healthcare section as the category to build a project. Our team decided to build a project("Covmask") on facial mask recognition which would be helpful during pandemic times. Our project took a real-time live video feed and whenever it detects a face it is further able to detect whether he/she is wearing a mask or not. If the mask is not detected a red warning is triggered around the person's face. The framework used to build Covmask are existing technologies like Android java and Google ML Kit, Tensorflow/Keras, OpenCV. The real-life use of Covmask was taken into consideration while building this app, crowded areas and shops could install this feature to detect the mask and further use a warning on the door itself to alert the guest. .

Spotify Clone

Posted: June 1, 2020 Updated: January 12, 2021

I recreated Spotify and made a spotify clone and tried to get my hands on with Web dev and get to know more about how does things work in backend.