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Harshit Singh

Contemplatin' and vibin' ✨✔️
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Bennent University (Present)

I am currently pursuing my Bachelor’s degree at Benentt University as a Computer Science major, along with a minor in Artificial Intelligence. My current coursework includes Applied Linear Algebra, Probability, Programming languages, Intro to Computer Architecture, OS, DBMS, and Data Structures and Algorithms.
I have also participated in a few hackathons such as McHacks, HackHarvard, HackMIT.

Gyanshree School (April 2015 - March 2020)
Percen: 80%

I graduated high school from Gyanshree School. Here, I was involved with the clubs, and participated in few olympiads/quizzes and achieved results in a few. My senior year went more or less in exams and extracurricular achievementies.

Relevant Work Experience

Research Intern at IIT Hyderabad

- Worked under Dr. C. Krishna Mohan where I worked on an ongoing project Smart Cities for Emerging Countries Based on Sensing, Network, and Big Data Analysis of Multimodal Regional Transport System.

- I also worked on Medical Dataset for Abbreviation Disambiguation for Natural Language Understanding (MeDAL) which is an NLP-based dataset from McGill University, Facebook CIFAR AI Chair, and Mila—Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute.

- I was given the task of replicating the results produced by the dataset and I was able to achieve an accuracy of 85%.

Research Intern at IIT Mandi

- Worked under Dr. Arnav Bhavsar where I worked on the AffectNET dataset and improved the overall accuracy of the model and performance.

- Improved the overall accuracy of the model by Siamese network on AffectNET


Programming Languages

I often program in Python and C++. I am also familiar with Java and a bit of SwiftUI, JavaScript, shell scripting, git, HTML/CSS and have recently started getting my hands dirty with Ruby.

ML stuff

I have always enjoyed learning Math and have so far received formal education in Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus and Probability. Due to this, I’ve been able to self-learn stuff about machine learning through MOOCs. I mostly use the Tensorflow, Keras and SciKit Learn for ML projects I’ve indulged in so far. I’m currently exploring sequence models and the field of CV.

Office Suit

I am proficient in writing LaTeX, and using productivity apps like Notion.


Please browse this website for more information on me. My socials are linked on the sidebar. You can also grab my resumé here.